Safeguarding our children

Sport should be enjoyed by everyone without fear of discrimination, intimidation, vilification, or mental, physical or verbal abuse.

Member protection and child safeguarding is a priority to protect the health and wellbeing of all our members and ensure everyone is treated with respect and dignity.

We have a zero tolerance for any types of abuse, bulling, harassment and discrimination at Gungahlin United. We are committed to upholding our values, Code of Conduct and integrity policies to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our members is at the forefront of across all our programs and club strategy.

We have a dedicated Integrity Officer at Gungahlin United Football Club who manages concerns or complaints regarding all integrity matters should they arise.  If you have any concerns regarding a member protection or safeguarding issue you can email

This is a confidential service run by a volunteer with experience in the sport integrity industry.

In accordance with our integrity policies and ACT Legislation it is mandatory for all GUFC volunteers to hold a valid , ACT Government issued Working With Vulnerable People.  All GUFC volunteers must hold a valid card and supply it to ur club executive BEFORE they commence their role at the club and  are in contact with vulnerable people including children.

Volunteers include all officials at GUFC such as coaches, team managers, admin support, canteen staff, coordinators & Executive members

If you are working with us at GUFC, please email your valid WWVP card to

If you do not yet have an ACT WWVP card, please ensure you have at least started that process before you fill out this form and please include your application number as a reference Please nominate the volunteer who you report to as the contact point on the form.  Remember to choose the option that you require a card as a volunteer (not as part of the workforce) as it will be issued free of charge.  You can start the process and find all relevant information via Access Canberra here.